How to locate acupoints?

Distance on the body is measured in cun, which is a proportional unit of measurement that takes the individual proportions of each body into account. Proportional cun measurements have a measurement standard and divide the body into different units, regardless of whether the patient is tall or short, fat or thin. For instance, the distance from the transverse cubital crease to the wrist joint spacetis 12 cun, so the width of each part is 1 cun when the distance is divided into 12 parts, so on and so forth.

Body cun or proportional cun on other parts of the body :


The distance from Ex-HN-3 (Yintang) to Du-14 (Dazhui) is 18 cun; The distance from Du-14 (Dazhui) to the midpoint of the posterior hairline is 3 cun;
Horizontally, the distance from corner to corner on the forehead (ST-8 to ST-8) is 9 cun;
The distance between the mastoid processes is 9 cun.

Back and lumbar region

It refers to the region on the back from the spinous process of C7 to the tip of the coccyx. Locate the point based the cun measurement of the spine vertebrae.

The inferior angle of the scapula levels with T7. The iliac crest levels with the spinous process of L4. With the shoulder relaxed and hanging arms the distance between the medial borders of the scapula is 6 cun.

Lower extremity

Medial: the distance from the upper border of the pubic symphysis to the upper border of the patella is 18 cun.
Medial:The distance from the medial condyle of the tibia to the highest prominence of the medial malleolus is 13 cun.
Lateral: The distance from the highest prominence of the greater trochanter to the popliteal crease is 19 cun.
Lateral: The distance from the popliteal crease to the highest prominence of the later malleolus is 16 cun.

Upper extremity

The distance from the end of the anterior axillary fold to the transverse cubital crease is 9 cun.
The distance from the transverse cubital crease to the transverse wrist crease is 12 cun.

What is finger cun measurement?

Finger cun measurements is to use the patient’s fingers (length and width) for reference to locate points.

There are three commonly-used finger cun measurements:
1 cun as middle finger measure (fig 1)
1 cun as thumb measure (fig 2)
3 cun as four finger measure (fig 3)

我々は「骨度分寸法」で体の各部位の大きさ、長さを測定し、比例を基準に寸法を換算する。注意すべきなのは、「骨度分寸法」は身長や太り具合を問わずに、比例で寸法を計算するということだ。 例えば: 肘の横紋から手首の横紋は12寸だから、この距離を12等分し、その12分の1を1寸とする。ほかの部位もこれに則する。

「手指同身寸取穴法」とは、本人の指の長さと幅を基準に選穴する(指寸法とも言う)方法である。 よく使われる指寸法は3つある:



間から大椎まで18寸とする。 大椎から、後髪の生え際中央まで3寸とする。 額角の左右生え際(頭維)の間を9寸とする。 耳後ろの完骨(乳様突起)の間を9寸とする。


人体背部の大椎より下へ、尾骶骨辺りの第二十一椎(ツボ名)までの部分である。脊椎の寸法を基準にツボの位置を決める。 肩甲骨下角は即ち第七(胸)椎で、腸骨稜は即ち第四腰椎棘突起である。背部寸法では、左右肩胛骨の内縁の間を6寸とする。







前腋窩ヒダから肘の横紋まで9寸とし、 肘の横紋から手首(裏)の横紋まで12寸とする。


左右乳首の間を8寸とする。 鎖骨上窩(天突)から、胸骨体と剣状突起の結合部中点(第7肋軟骨と胸骨の結合部)まで9寸とする。 胸骨体と剣状突起の結合部から、臍中央まで8寸とする。 臍中央から、恥骨結合の上縁まで5寸とする。 腋窩の頂点から、第11肋骨の浮肋先端(章門)まで12寸とする。 左右肩胛骨の烏口突起の内縁の間を12寸とする。

Thorax and abdomen

Horizontally, the distance between the two nipples is 8 cun. Longitudinally, the distance from the suprasternal depression (Ren-22, Tiantu) to the xiphosternal synchondrosis is 9 cun.
The distance from the xiphosternal synchondrosis to the center of the umbilicus is 8 cun.
The distance from the center of the umbilicus to the upper border of the pubic symphysis is 5 cun.
Laterally, the distance from the end of the axillary fold to the tip of free end of the pubic symphysis (LV-13 Zhangmen) is 12 cun.
The distance between the median borders of the two scapular coracoid is 12 cun.