※If moxibustion box shall be used to treat diseases, please follow doctors’ prescription.
Mouth Ulcer
Characteristics and symptoms:
A mouth ulcer is an ulcerative lesion that occurs on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, which is commonly seen inside the lip, on the tongue, ventrum of tongue, buccal mucosa, vestibular groove and soft palate. The onset of mouth ulcer is painful with local scorching pain. The severe mouth ulcer attack may also affect normal eating and talking, causing inconvenience to your daily life. It also accompanies with bad breath, chronic pharyngitis, constipation, headache, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, irritability, fever, swollen lymph nodes and other systemic symptoms.
Acupoint selection:
LI-4 (Hegu), SP-6 (Sanyinjiao), ST-36 (Zusanli), LIV-3 (Taichong)
Course of treatment:
15 to 20 min per acupoint, once a day, 6 times for a course of reatment.
Pay attention to dental hygiene. Avoid the damage to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Do not eat spicy food and local stimulation.
LI-4 (Hegu):
On the radial aspect of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, closer to the 2nd metacarpal bone and approximately at its midpoint.
合谷穴: 手の甲の第1、2中手骨の間、第2中手骨の橈骨側の中点にある。
SP-6 (Sanyinjiao):
3 cun proximal to the highest prominence of the medial malleolus, on the posterior border of the medial crest of the tibia.
三陰交: 小腿の内踝先端の上方3寸、脛骨の後内縁にある。
ST-36 (Zusanli):
3 cun distal to ST-35 (Dubi, lateral eye of the knee) and 1 finger-breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia, on the line of ST-35 (Dubi) and ST-41 (Jiexi).
LIV-3 (Taichong):
on the dorsum of the foot, between the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones, in the depression proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joints and the proximal angle between the two bones.
足三里: 小腿の外側、犢鼻の下方3寸、犢鼻と解渓の直結線上にある。
太沖穴: 足の甲、第一中足骨の隙間の後方の窪みの所に位置する。