※If moxibustion box shall be used to treat diseases, please follow doctors’ prescription.




Characteristics and symptoms:
Rhinitis and nasal inflammatory diseases refer to the inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by virus, bacteria, various physical and chemical factors and some systemic diseases. The clinical manifestations are nasal congestion, nasal discharge, decreased sense of smell, headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, easy fatigue, forgetfulness, insomnia and so on.

Acupoint selection: BL-12 (Fengmen),BL-13 (Feishu),ST-36 (Zusanli)


Course of treatment:
30 min per acupoint, once a day, 10 times for a course of treatment.


1. Don't take excessive exercise.
2. Don't blow the flute or balloon.
3. Rinse your mouth whenever necessary to maintain oral hygiene.
4. Breathe with your nose.
5. Don't blow your nose with great force.
6. Take exercise moderately and wear a face mask when going outdoors.

治療コース: ツボ毎に、毎回30分お灸をすえる。毎日1回。1コースに10回施術する。

注意事項:過度な運動、笛の吹奏、風船を口で膨らますことはしない。よく嗽して口腔衛生を保つ。鼻で呼吸する。鼻をかむ時は力を入れ過ぎないように。 運動を適度に行う。外出の際、マスクをする。

BL-13 (Feishu):
1.5 cun lateral to the posterior
midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra (T3)

風門穴: 人体の背部、第2胸椎棘突起下の外方1寸5分に位置する。

BL-12 (Fengmen):
1.5 cun lateral to the posterior
midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra (T2)

肺兪穴: 第3胸椎棘突起下の外方の指2本の所に位置する。

足三里: 小腿の外側、犢鼻の下方3寸、犢鼻と解渓の直結線上にある。

ST-36 (Zusanli):
3 cun distal to ST-35 (Dubi, lateral eye of the knee) and 1 finger-breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia, on the line of ST-35 (Dubi) and ST-41 (Jiexi).